Good morning
Okay, so I usually write when I shouldn't, so this does not come as a surprise.
The year is about to end and I have to admit that I feel somewhat frightend...what is laying before us? I don't know.
To me my future is a mess. I have no job, and I am lousy at finding one. I have not enough confidence that I am able to attend the school I want, I wish I knew what school that was...
The thing I know is that I want to take up studying soon.
I don't want to go around, unemployed for another year...I lose my disciple which is now as big as the head of a pin!
The least I could say is that I am frightend.
I am in a hurry to start my life, I don't know if that is a good or bad thing but it sure feels like it is a bad one...It is like I am rushing to the goal without making the necessary stops...
I also feel confused, which does not come as a surprise either. I need to have a structured life to make the most of it. That is what I feel now.
Sometimes I wonder if the best thing to do is to study away from home...where I only have myself and focus on school instead of having all these kind of distractions around me.
Maybe that plan is lacking...I mean, I could handle school before and get decent grades...I don't know, there is alot to think about and alot of decisions to make.
One thing I do know is that there are alot of changes laying before me that I have to make.
Just some thoughts that is going around in my head at the moment. I feel that it is better to write them out and process them, maybe that will make things become even a little bit clear?
Over and out, Emma.
fredag 31 december 2010
måndag 13 december 2010
Sleep time, right?
Good night/Good morning!
I found lots of fun memes at DeviantArt so I just had to do one(or two). So now I'm working at a Harry Potter meme XD This is as far as I have come
I found lots of fun memes at DeviantArt so I just had to do one(or two). So now I'm working at a Harry Potter meme XD This is as far as I have come
1. Who are you and which house do you belong to?
2. Who is your favorite HP character?
2. Who is your favorite HP character?
3.And who is your least favorite character?
Haha I hope the third picture will come out well XD But I have lots of things left to finish on this meme, there are 12 "questions".
Haha I hope the third picture will come out well XD But I have lots of things left to finish on this meme, there are 12 "questions".
I think I must go to sleep now. Over and out, Emma.
lördag 11 december 2010
Separation did not know about me
Good day!
Haha I am a sucker for memes, sorry.
이별 몰랐던 날, by 케이윌 (Meaning= Separation did not know about me) haha okay I'll change it! Though it sounds like I am a unknown child of divorced parents...
You learn something everyday, iTunes like Outsider!
Over and out, Emma.
Haha I am a sucker for memes, sorry.
1. Put Your iTunes on Shuffle. (I used Party Shuffle, cuz Shuffle isn’t really “random”)
2. For each question, press the ‘next’ button to get your answer. (or listen to each song, like I did.)
3. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds! (except if it is a classic song)
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
2. For each question, press the ‘next’ button to get your answer. (or listen to each song, like I did.)
3. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds! (except if it is a classic song)
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
What do your friends think of you?
蝉時雨, by ムック
蝉時雨, by ムック
(Shemishigure) Okay...I don't know what that means but GoogleTranslate tells me it is "Outburst of cricket chirping"...I wonder if that is right, if so, am I a chriping cricket? XD
If someone says, “Is this okay?” You say?
Cahtarsis Inst., by Outsider
Cahtarsis Inst., by Outsider
Haha if I would have written this in swedish I would have said "Goddag yxskaft"
How would you describe yourself?
남자답게 , by Outsider
(meaning= Man) HAHAHHA am I really that masculine?
How would you describe yourself?
남자답게 , by Outsider
(meaning= Man) HAHAHHA am I really that masculine?
What do you like in a guy/girl?
Dress, by Abingdon Boys School
HAHA so I like anyone dressed in a dress? XD
Dress, by Abingdon Boys School
HAHA so I like anyone dressed in a dress? XD
How do you feel today?
So it's over, by Weeping Willows
...actually, I am quite satisfied
So it's over, by Weeping Willows
...actually, I am quite satisfied
What is your life’s purpose?
Shopaholic, by Epic High
Okaaaay haha and I am considered to be pretty good at scraping my money
Shopaholic, by Epic High
Okaaaay haha and I am considered to be pretty good at scraping my money
What is your motto?
대경성, by 서태지
(Daegyeongseong) ...again, I don't know the meaning. But I guess it is a pretty good answer, it confirms my slug brain which does not want to share with the rest of my being, result; confused
대경성, by 서태지
(Daegyeongseong) ...again, I don't know the meaning. But I guess it is a pretty good answer, it confirms my slug brain which does not want to share with the rest of my being, result; confused
What do you think about very often?
The Day That I Die, by Good Charlotte
It is a pretty good answer actually, I am not suicidal or anything but I do think about death quite alot. I am pretty paranoid, thinking about different scenarios which I am being hurt in my daily life
The Day That I Die, by Good Charlotte
It is a pretty good answer actually, I am not suicidal or anything but I do think about death quite alot. I am pretty paranoid, thinking about different scenarios which I am being hurt in my daily life
What is 2 + 2?
Geumja's Prayer by Yeong-wook Jo
Hmm...I think it is to abstract for me to understand the meaning..or is the amount of prayers she got...? No I believe she got more..
Geumja's Prayer by Yeong-wook Jo
Hmm...I think it is to abstract for me to understand the meaning..or is the amount of prayers she got...? No I believe she got more..
What do you think of your best friend?
Set Me On Fire, by Pendulum I got the hotts for one of my friends? I think I would know that I that was the truth XD
Set Me On Fire, by Pendulum I got the hotts for one of my friends? I think I would know that I that was the truth XD
What do you think of the person you like?
Imagine, by Mosaic Whispers
That's good...a person that doesn't even exist!
Imagine, by Mosaic Whispers
That's good...a person that doesn't even exist!
What is your life story?
Face Off (Feat. Mc Sniper), by Outsider
iTunes really love Outsider, doesn't it? So it means I am revieling my all? Or something? Or that I am living in a lie?
Face Off (Feat. Mc Sniper), by Outsider
iTunes really love Outsider, doesn't it? So it means I am revieling my all? Or something? Or that I am living in a lie?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
160 (Feat. 捞荐辟), by 은지원
...I turn another direction..?
160 (Feat. 捞荐辟), by 은지원
...I turn another direction..?
What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Afraid this time (Detroit 2000), by Cellweller
HAHA XD That doesn't sound promising at all!
Afraid this time (Detroit 2000), by Cellweller
HAHA XD That doesn't sound promising at all!
What will you dance to at your wedding?
Therapist (Feat. Illinit), by Outsider
(As I said, iTunes really like Outsider!) ...the only thing I can say that it is not a ordinary wedding song XD
Therapist (Feat. Illinit), by Outsider
(As I said, iTunes really like Outsider!) ...the only thing I can say that it is not a ordinary wedding song XD
What will they play at your funeral?
Rainism Remix, by Rain
If anything this is a true misfit!
Rainism Remix, by Rain
If anything this is a true misfit!
What is your hobby/interest?
High Skool Dropout (반항하지 마), by Epik High
Ha. Ha. Ha. this ain't promising! I guess it means I am going to drop out of University?
High Skool Dropout (반항하지 마), by Epik High
Ha. Ha. Ha. this ain't promising! I guess it means I am going to drop out of University?
What is your biggest fear?
小さな窓, by ムック
(Chiisana mado = Small window) .___. ...I don't know what to say...really
小さな窓, by ムック
(Chiisana mado = Small window) .___. ...I don't know what to say...really
What is your biggest secret?
The Present, by K.Will
So I AM living in a lie? Or what are you going at iTunes?
The Present, by K.Will
So I AM living in a lie? Or what are you going at iTunes?
What do you think of your friends?
난 행복해 , by Outsider
(Meaning= I'm Happy) You got this one right iTunes :D
What will you post this as?난 행복해 , by Outsider
(Meaning= I'm Happy) You got this one right iTunes :D
이별 몰랐던 날, by 케이윌 (Meaning= Separation did not know about me) haha okay I'll change it! Though it sounds like I am a unknown child of divorced parents...
You learn something everyday, iTunes like Outsider!
Over and out, Emma.
fredag 10 december 2010
Harry Potter meme
Good Evening/Good Night
I found this meme for a couple of seconds ago at DeviantArt, lovely site, and got the feeling that I just had to do it!
So here we go!
[x]You’ve never done illegal drugs.
[ ]You have a lot of friends
[ ]You get along with everyone
[x]You haven’t made fun of someone for at least two months
[ ]You love soccer
[ ]You love baseball
[x]You’re into writing and art
[ ]Favourite music genre is pop rock
[x]You believe in “innocent until proven guilty” theory
[ ]One of your favourite colours is red or gold
[x]Good grades at school
[ ]One of the worst things you can do is lie
[x]You plan on going to college/university
[x]You’re content with mostly everything in your life right now.
[x]You laugh a lot
[ ]You like to follow trends
[x]Politics suck
[ ]You love to swim
[ ]Water polo is awesome
[ ]Pink is one of your favorite colors
[ ]Black is morbid & depressing
[ ]You’re an optimist
[ ]You’re completely straight edged
[ ]You’re very emotional
[ ]Rap, R&B, & hip-hop is your favorite music genre
[x]You don’t believe in going steady at a young age
[x]You’ve made fun of at least one person this week
[x]You’re depressed to a certain extent
[x]You love to read
[x]You appreciate theatre & arts
[ ]Sports suck
[x]You’re shy
[x]Loyalty is the MOST important thing in a relationship.
[ ]Hate is completely unneeded
[ ]Indie is your favourite genre of music
[x]Every once in awhile you have little anger outbursts
[x]Lying is sometimes okay
[x]Blue is one of your favorite colors
[ ]Serious is better than funny
[ ]There’s at least one person you hate
[ ]Basketball is a good sport
[ ]Football is amazing
[x]Black is cool
[x]You’ve lied about something serious
[x]You’re a very deep person
[ ]You have considered suicide
[ ]Very loyal
[ ]You like metal
[ ]They make school seem more important than it is.
[x]You’re scared to grow up.
[ ]You’ve done drugs in the past month
[ ]Anger is one of your primary feelings.
[x]You have trust issues.
[ ]Guilty until proven innocent.
Hahah I got Rawenclaw XD not a surprise, I always get that on tests! Okay, unnecessary entry!
söndag 28 november 2010
Horse time
Firday night, me my mother and sister, went to Ericsson Globe to see Stockholm International Horse Show. It was the first time we went on a friday and it included mostly the jumping classes, preparing for the final that went of saturday evening. It was really fun and I took loths of photos! This years theme was arabic, or oriental theme, it was supposed to be a tribute for the arabic horse. The show even included a camel doing advanced dressage containing flying changes! It was magnificent! I recorded the whole thing with the camel and uploded it on youtube 8D
Over and out, Emma.
fredag 26 november 2010
Confused much?
The weirdest thing just happend! I got the biggest urge to cry! And I don't know why, this is so fishy! But the feeling is fading now...It was so close, it was like the tears was at the tip of my eyelid, balancing on the edge, but then and just in the nick of time, they decided to not fall over. Now I'm back to normal :o Creepy! What if I was possesed by a depressed ghost or something?!
Oh I justed noticed, no greating today :o that's so rude of me! Well, it's time for me to end this unnecessary ranting...
lördag 20 november 2010
Good Evening
So I am on pins and needles at the moment, having one eye on my cellphone all the time. The job I got as a snow shovler is a job with no specific times, they call you, like 2 hours ahead and today is the day this service starts. So I have to be available 24/7. It is pretty nerv-wrecking, really!
So I am on pins and needles at the moment, having one eye on my cellphone all the time. The job I got as a snow shovler is a job with no specific times, they call you, like 2 hours ahead and today is the day this service starts. So I have to be available 24/7. It is pretty nerv-wrecking, really!
HAHA and for a some minutes ago, I took a test (on this swedish site about how much I know about the series XD I took it like 5 times and got acceptable everytime (10-12 of 18).
Over and out, Emma.
torsdag 18 november 2010
Mixed info
Hello hello
I think I want to post my very delayed pics from this summer now..yes, that seems like a good idea. I hope that the pics want to collaborate with me today, they didn't last time. I actually wanted to have the picture in the middle of the entry instead of at the top...anyway, that's not important. Let's start showing the pictures 8D (I have a feeling that this entry is going to be long...!)
Day 1: July 7th. "The arrival to Ottobeuren"
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A cute house at the side of the road on our way to Ottobeuren. |
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The little village Ottobeuren in the shadows of the church Basilika. |
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My lunch that day. I swear, this is the most delicious Spaghetti Bolognese I have EVER eaten! |
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I saw this beautiful, monument (?), on our way into the heart of Münich. |
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Before reaching the heart of Münich, we found this memorial place for the King of pop, Michael Jackson. |
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I love the gothic style and this house was so big and gorgeous I had to take some photos of it. |
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My lunch for the day, not even near the same taste sensation I had the day before. |
Over and out, Emma.
tisdag 16 november 2010
Harry Potter, here I come!
I am goint to try to be more active here, like writing everyday, or maybe every second day might be more realistic. Today, me and my sister went and bought the tickets we had reserved at the cinema for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1, which we are going to see tomorrow with 3 friends. It is going to be awesome~
They had put up a commercial poster and even a stand, of some kind, containing huge posters, a Wii consol, a glass case with miniature Harry Potter stuff in it and also a wide screen Tv showing a trailer. I got a bit irritated. I have this policy when I am going to see a movie which I have longed for a long time to see to come out in the cinema, I have forbid myself to see any trailor of that movie, I want it to be a first time seing everyting in the salon. Obviously, Harry Potter is one of these movies. I had succeeded with this task, until today, the day before .__.
Over and out, Emma.
I am goint to try to be more active here, like writing everyday, or maybe every second day might be more realistic. Today, me and my sister went and bought the tickets we had reserved at the cinema for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1, which we are going to see tomorrow with 3 friends. It is going to be awesome~
They had put up a commercial poster and even a stand, of some kind, containing huge posters, a Wii consol, a glass case with miniature Harry Potter stuff in it and also a wide screen Tv showing a trailer. I got a bit irritated. I have this policy when I am going to see a movie which I have longed for a long time to see to come out in the cinema, I have forbid myself to see any trailor of that movie, I want it to be a first time seing everyting in the salon. Obviously, Harry Potter is one of these movies. I had succeeded with this task, until today, the day before .__.
Over and out, Emma.
I haven't announced that I got a job! You know the interview I went on for 2 weeks ago? They hired me :D My duty is to remove snow from the train platform and -rail. The risks are high some even involve a deadly outcome... But I am going to make sure that I keep a safe distans all the time, as they said on the safty education.
I haven't announced that I got a job! You know the interview I went on for 2 weeks ago? They hired me :D My duty is to remove snow from the train platform and -rail. The risks are high some even involve a deadly outcome... But I am going to make sure that I keep a safe distans all the time, as they said on the safty education.
The atmosphere in the stable after the lesson was really tense... I even heard that one of us were close to tears...! I hope we won't get her anytime ever again!
Stella, picture borrowed from
Over and out, Emma.
söndag 7 november 2010
T.V. show - The Big bang Theory, Project Runway, Top Model
Book - The Harry Potter series (J.K. Rowling), The Book thief (Markus Zusak)Movie - The Pianist
Color - dark blue, grey
Ice cream flavor - Ben & Jerry's Half baked
Drink - Redbull Vodka
Animal - cat, moose, horse
Music - Classical music, japanese/korean rock/pop and random great bands/songs
Food - Spaghetti Bolognese
Disney character - Cruella de Ville
Girl name - ...I cannot come up with a girl name .__.
Boy name - Arvid
Flower - sunflower and rose
Over and out, Emma.
Allhelgona afton
Good evening
The temperature has just crawled below the freezing point.
Yesterday was my favorite weekend of the year, Allhelgona afton. I love all of it, even though the tradition is really new here in Sweden, it has been around for barely a 100 years, it feels somewhat old.
I thought about taking my camera with me, because of the gorgeous scenes that are spread around you when you enter the graveyard. But because of my cold, yes I blame the cold, I think my mind is a bit foggy and some of my thoughts and to do's are lost in it...
Yesterday was my favorite weekend of the year, Allhelgona afton. I love all of it, even though the tradition is really new here in Sweden, it has been around for barely a 100 years, it feels somewhat old.
I thought about taking my camera with me, because of the gorgeous scenes that are spread around you when you enter the graveyard. But because of my cold, yes I blame the cold, I think my mind is a bit foggy and some of my thoughts and to do's are lost in it...

So this pic is from last year, at Skogskyrkogården.
Over and out, Emma.
torsdag 4 november 2010
Mayday, calling for work!
It has been a paus here. I have thought many times that I should post a new entry but not come up with anything worth writing here.
It has been a paus here. I have thought many times that I should post a new entry but not come up with anything worth writing here.
But today I got a call from a company which I contacted before. Tomorrow I'm going on an interview. I hope it'll be fine. Eventhough this job seems promissing, I am still grasping onto the possibility of working at the Science Fiction bookshop...that would be an awesome workingplace! But I feel that I have done anything in my power, now it's up to them.
I often think about writing a novel. But when I come up with a story, I'm always somewhere I cannot write it down, like yesterday in the car for example. But I managed to write a begining of a story, which I am actually pleased with. This is what I have written so far:
"This night had to be the most peculiar in a long time.
Josephine sat in her room on the second floor, watching the night sky through her window.
Even though the wind was blowing hard outside, it seemed like the clouds were rushing in a hurry across the starry night sky."
Josephine sat in her room on the second floor, watching the night sky through her window.
Even though the wind was blowing hard outside, it seemed like the clouds were rushing in a hurry across the starry night sky."
I thought this story would be about Josephine, a lady living in the 20th century. After some, not very unusual events, she suddenly is found brutually murdering a man.
It'll be like an Urban Legend, that something makes her commit the murder. I hope I'll continue and finish it though.
Over and out, Emma.
It'll be like an Urban Legend, that something makes her commit the murder. I hope I'll continue and finish it though.
Over and out, Emma.
torsdag 21 oktober 2010
Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Good night
I'm currently watching Sungkyunkwan Scandal even though I decided that I would go to bed after finishing episode 11. But it was such a clifhanger that I had to continue watching XD I'm pathetic watching this drama. I'm practically obsessed with it! Haha and the male actors' are so handsome it's dangerous! I mean, both Park Yoo Chun and Yoo Ah In are not only freaking handsome but great actors' too!
I'm only writing this entry to get an outlet for my feelings, I am almost sure this is going to be my favorite drama, if it keeps the same standard as it has until now I mean.
Even though I've seen more than half the drama, I can't figure out if I have a favorite character...I thought I had before but I'm not as sure anymore...My favorite was Goo Yong Ha (Song Joong Ki), he is clever and likes to make jokes at the expense of others. Hmmm...I think I'll figure this out soon enough ^^
Over and out, Emma.
I'm currently watching Sungkyunkwan Scandal even though I decided that I would go to bed after finishing episode 11. But it was such a clifhanger that I had to continue watching XD I'm pathetic watching this drama. I'm practically obsessed with it! Haha and the male actors' are so handsome it's dangerous! I mean, both Park Yoo Chun and Yoo Ah In are not only freaking handsome but great actors' too!
I'm only writing this entry to get an outlet for my feelings, I am almost sure this is going to be my favorite drama, if it keeps the same standard as it has until now I mean.
Even though I've seen more than half the drama, I can't figure out if I have a favorite character...I thought I had before but I'm not as sure anymore...My favorite was Goo Yong Ha (Song Joong Ki), he is clever and likes to make jokes at the expense of others. Hmmm...I think I'll figure this out soon enough ^^
Over and out, Emma.
(Yoo Ah In, Park Yoo Chun, Park Min Young and Song Joong Ki)
tisdag 19 oktober 2010
What is this Autumn?
I thought that I would be active here, but it seems like I have a hard time keeping that up.
Autumn has really given Sweden a big punch in its face. It has come fast, and hard. All of a sudden the weather has turned from a little chilly till degrees below freezing point. My mom even thought she saw tiny tiny snowflakes last week!
Me and my sister went on a walk a couple of days ago, it was gorgeous outside! We went to the nearby lake and took some photos.
Haha I don't know what I should write anymore. I just got this sudden urge of wanting to write something. But I have nothing to write about XD
Oh right! As I mentioned before, I am currently watching Sungkyunkwan Scandal, and it is growing on me! I really like this song, it suits this entry and the season ^^
Well well, this will be it for now.
Over and out, Emma.
I thought that I would be active here, but it seems like I have a hard time keeping that up.
Autumn has really given Sweden a big punch in its face. It has come fast, and hard. All of a sudden the weather has turned from a little chilly till degrees below freezing point. My mom even thought she saw tiny tiny snowflakes last week!
Me and my sister went on a walk a couple of days ago, it was gorgeous outside! We went to the nearby lake and took some photos.
Haha I don't know what I should write anymore. I just got this sudden urge of wanting to write something. But I have nothing to write about XD
Oh right! As I mentioned before, I am currently watching Sungkyunkwan Scandal, and it is growing on me! I really like this song, it suits this entry and the season ^^
Well well, this will be it for now.
tisdag 12 oktober 2010
My day
The day started of with a heavy cloud hanging above my head. I felt really sleepy, even though I kept waking up within every 10 minutes. So I decided it was time to get up.
I had an appointmet at the Employment Service in the afternoon. Instead of actually doing something before it was time to leave, I used my precious time to watch another episode of Sungkyunkwan Scandal .__. I really like that drama. But I actually like the bad guy XD hahah I don't feel any sympathy for the protagonist at all! I, who usally am really compassionate!
Anyway, at the Employment Service we decided that I was going to try a bit harder to find a job and then, in two weeks, they'll help me find a job ^^
The coward I am have made me not wanting to take the next step to actually talk with the employers, until today! I was really proud of myself, or rather, I was in high spirites after that feat. I went to a bookstore and asked for the one incharge for the staff but was told that she weren't there today so I'll go back tomorrow and give it another go.
I've decided to go to two other bookstore too. I hope I'll have some luck with any of them...
Over and out, Emma.
The day started of with a heavy cloud hanging above my head. I felt really sleepy, even though I kept waking up within every 10 minutes. So I decided it was time to get up.
I had an appointmet at the Employment Service in the afternoon. Instead of actually doing something before it was time to leave, I used my precious time to watch another episode of Sungkyunkwan Scandal .__. I really like that drama. But I actually like the bad guy XD hahah I don't feel any sympathy for the protagonist at all! I, who usally am really compassionate!
Anyway, at the Employment Service we decided that I was going to try a bit harder to find a job and then, in two weeks, they'll help me find a job ^^
The coward I am have made me not wanting to take the next step to actually talk with the employers, until today! I was really proud of myself, or rather, I was in high spirites after that feat. I went to a bookstore and asked for the one incharge for the staff but was told that she weren't there today so I'll go back tomorrow and give it another go.
I've decided to go to two other bookstore too. I hope I'll have some luck with any of them...
måndag 11 oktober 2010
New try!
Hehe, hello!
I'll do a new try to use my blog. I feel sorry for it, I haven't been writing anything for 4 months now! Poor thing!
So to make it a new brand start I've changed the blog quite drasticly.
Firstly, it got a new name, TA-DAAA~ It's now called Vise Versa instead of Gesundheit (that I after our trip to Germany learned meant, not only 'bless you' but health too).
Secondly, the design is different. I think it feels somewhat refreshing :)
The header contains one of my home made characters Harald Rupert Hårfagre, he'll keep an watching eye on my blog while I'm gone ^^
This will be it for now.
Over and out, Emma.
I'll do a new try to use my blog. I feel sorry for it, I haven't been writing anything for 4 months now! Poor thing!
So to make it a new brand start I've changed the blog quite drasticly.
Firstly, it got a new name, TA-DAAA~ It's now called Vise Versa instead of Gesundheit (that I after our trip to Germany learned meant, not only 'bless you' but health too).
Secondly, the design is different. I think it feels somewhat refreshing :)
The header contains one of my home made characters Harald Rupert Hårfagre, he'll keep an watching eye on my blog while I'm gone ^^
This will be it for now.
Over and out, Emma.
A little something I took when we visited the great Schloss Neuschwanstein ^.^
lördag 3 juli 2010
Restlesness has become a sickness....
I have been left home, alone .__.
My father went in to the city to get his hair cut and my mother and my sister, Anna, went for a bicicle-ride. But I am not allowed to come D:
I got sick two weeks ago with fever and even through up the first night, but I think that was because I ate to many pills for my sore throat.
So now I have been stuck with this sickness for about two weeks!
The fever are gone since last week but I still cough and my throat is swollen which prevent me from doing any kind of exercise, it is rather my mom who prevent me from doing anything.
Anyway, so here I am, the weather is perfect to do some outside activity, which I am of course not allowed to participate in.
Haha this was really a cheerful entry, I could have introduced myself instead but I will do that next week, before the family goes to our, or my, long awaited vacation to Germany.
We are going to fly to Münich and then rent a car at the airport and with help of that car, we are going to drive to Ottobeuren where we are going to live for our stay there.
This trip are going to be my dreamtrip! Because we are going to visit the magnificient castle Neuschwanstein, in the picturesque little village Füssen. I can not wait to go there!
I think I will keep a journal while we are there to remember everything. I am so excited~
This will be it for this time. I think I am going to go outside and continue reading The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, brilliant book if I so might say! Bye for now~

fredag 2 juli 2010
Begining of a new era...
This is my second try.
I am sure Firefox hates me, absolutely sure! I was just about to put my final touch on my first english entry when it decided to not work anymore and closed down. I had written the best welcoming entry ever! I was so pleased with it! But now it is all gone ;_____; so I am feeling a bit depressed about it. I introduced myself and even wrote a list, but as I said, it is all gone now so I do not feel like trying to make a new one in the attempt of coming anywhere near what I had written. Gosh this is so not what I had in mind when I decided to write here in the first place. Anyway, what has happend can not be undone. This blog was in the begining all written in swedish, as my older entrys, but I decided to make an english blog so that I could practice my grammar any vocabulary now that I do not studie anymore.
Another change I made was a new header, which I did not know was possible to do until this evening ^^''
And I know that it is like 1 pixel short but I have given up on that one for the time being. I will try to remember to intriduce myself properly in the near future but I do not feel like it now.
I finished my, forever to be gone, entry with something like "I like taking photos so there are going to be some here. I took these in the evening in our garden" so that is what I will finish this entry with.
Random white flowers
These flowers are in full blossom now, right outside of our living room. The are right between our lawn and the flower bed.

Petaless giant poppies
These have actually already bloomed and their petlas has fallen to the ground. They are giant poppies, bright red. I think that they look pretty good even without their petals. They actually resemble the chocholate flower now.

And this, this is the familys newest member, even though she has lived with us for the past 9 years ^^ Her name is Sassa and she turnes 11 in two weeks, 14th of July. We bought her from a place called Stockholms Katthem ( Stockholms home of cats haha weird translation) where they take care of straycats and make them available for adoption.
I am sure Firefox hates me, absolutely sure! I was just about to put my final touch on my first english entry when it decided to not work anymore and closed down. I had written the best welcoming entry ever! I was so pleased with it! But now it is all gone ;_____; so I am feeling a bit depressed about it. I introduced myself and even wrote a list, but as I said, it is all gone now so I do not feel like trying to make a new one in the attempt of coming anywhere near what I had written. Gosh this is so not what I had in mind when I decided to write here in the first place. Anyway, what has happend can not be undone. This blog was in the begining all written in swedish, as my older entrys, but I decided to make an english blog so that I could practice my grammar any vocabulary now that I do not studie anymore.
Another change I made was a new header, which I did not know was possible to do until this evening ^^''
And I know that it is like 1 pixel short but I have given up on that one for the time being. I will try to remember to intriduce myself properly in the near future but I do not feel like it now.
I finished my, forever to be gone, entry with something like "I like taking photos so there are going to be some here. I took these in the evening in our garden" so that is what I will finish this entry with.

Random white flowers
These flowers are in full blossom now, right outside of our living room. The are right between our lawn and the flower bed.

Petaless giant poppies
These have actually already bloomed and their petlas has fallen to the ground. They are giant poppies, bright red. I think that they look pretty good even without their petals. They actually resemble the chocholate flower now.

And this, this is the familys newest member, even though she has lived with us for the past 9 years ^^ Her name is Sassa and she turnes 11 in two weeks, 14th of July. We bought her from a place called Stockholms Katthem ( Stockholms home of cats haha weird translation) where they take care of straycats and make them available for adoption.

torsdag 1 juli 2010
Förändringen ligger i luften

Jag har under en tid funderat på att börja skriva på engelska istället. Inte bara för sakens skull utan för att jag ska träna på engelskan och inte tappa den nu när den enda kontakten jag får med engelskan är via internet, böcker och tv. Måste ju träna på att själv kunna uttrycka mig. Det är lite för vågat att försöka lita på mig själv, att jag ska snappa upp grammatik och ord från omgivningen bara sådär utan själv öva.
Så detta blir det sista inlägget på svenska 8D

torsdag 17 juni 2010
Teddy Tedholm - en stjärna är född

När jag och Anna såg SYTYCD igår hände något som jag aldrig trott var möjligt, inte när det gäller mig i alla fall. Jag grät till ett uppträdande! Det var när 18-åriga Teddy Tedholm gjorde sitt uppträdande. Han är faktiskt den enda jag sett som har kunnat förmedla sina känslor genom dans. Jag kan faktiskt gå så långt att säga att det var vackert, faktiskt. Som domarna sa så är det en ära att ha sett det där. Verkligen. Att jag reagerade starkare än amerikanska domare måste betyda någonting. Möjligen att det var äkta. Det var verkligen som om han blev ett med musiken samtidigt som han guidade en i sitt allra innersta, blottade sin själ, sitt allt. Helt otroligt att med endast rörelse kunna uttrycka sådana starka och självklara känslor. Det är ofattbart, det är det verkligen...!

måndag 14 juni 2010
Med tanken på känslor...

Hej! Gud vad jag är aktiv helt plötsligt!
För två dagar sedan, i lördags, så skulle jag in till stan för att möte Anna, Linda, Beka och Sara för att köpa biljetterna till Ecplise. Men eftersom mitt huvud bevisligen inte fungerar, planerade jag så att jag skulle komma dit en hel timme senare -.-Senare när jag väl var på tågstationen så var tåget inställt pga personalbrist och tåget efter var 8min försenat pga signalfel. KUL! .___. inte min dag måste jag säga!
När jag stod där på tågstationen och gjorde precis ingenting kände jag faktiskt att det var lite speciellt på något vis. Vädret alltså. Känslan i luften var väldigt påtagligt. Jag vet inte om jag är bra på att snappa upp känslor eller ej men det kändes väldigt tydligt som om vädret, klimatet, atmosfären, ja allt kändes frustrerande. Inte pga av vad som hänt mig utan det kändes mer som om det var något utanför. Det kändes som om allt omkring mig var ett väsen. Nästan som om det bara var jag och det, som kommunicerade och förstod varandra, fast det var säkert 30 andra på perrongen. Jag kände ilska blandat med sorg, tårar och uppgivenhet. Allt detta med en svag fasad av belåtenhet...nej, av glädje. De verkliga känslorna gick inte att förneka, de lös igenom. Det kändes verkligen som om detta väsen och jag kommunicerade. Det slet tag i mitt hår samtidigt som jag fylldes med denna känsla.
När jag stod där på tågstationen och gjorde precis ingenting kände jag faktiskt att det var lite speciellt på något vis. Vädret alltså. Känslan i luften var väldigt påtagligt. Jag vet inte om jag är bra på att snappa upp känslor eller ej men det kändes väldigt tydligt som om vädret, klimatet, atmosfären, ja allt kändes frustrerande. Inte pga av vad som hänt mig utan det kändes mer som om det var något utanför. Det kändes som om allt omkring mig var ett väsen. Nästan som om det bara var jag och det, som kommunicerade och förstod varandra, fast det var säkert 30 andra på perrongen. Jag kände ilska blandat med sorg, tårar och uppgivenhet. Allt detta med en svag fasad av belåtenhet...nej, av glädje. De verkliga känslorna gick inte att förneka, de lös igenom. Det kändes verkligen som om detta väsen och jag kommunicerade. Det slet tag i mitt hår samtidigt som jag fylldes med denna känsla.
Molnen var grå, något regnsjuka. Det blåste kraftigt och molnen skred med jämn hastighet ovanför våra huvuden. Bevakande och överväldigande.

the cranberries,
fredag 11 juni 2010
Sådan lista sådan person!

Men svarar på svenska, orkar inte skriva på engelska D:
Time started: 21:37
Name: Emma
Single or Taken: Singel
Sex: Flicka 8D
Birthday: 8 April
Sign: Vädur
Eye colour: ljusblå-grå
What are you wearing: underkläder, grå mjukbyxor, den nya gula Beatles tröjan, samma strumpor som igår och den gröna tjocktröjan
Where do you live: Sverige
Righty or lefty: Högerhänt
Where is your favorite place to shop: Stockholm får jag väl säga :P
Color: Mörktblå, typ regnmolnsblå
Number: 4, 7 och 12 XD
Boys Name: Arvid
Girls Name: Hmm...jag hade ett namn förut :o men minns inte .__.
Animal: Katter, älgar, hästar och ugglor!
Month: November
Movie: The Pianist och Oldboy
Juice: Äppeljuice
Breakfast:...ingen aning om vad jag ska svara här..kanske jordgubbar? XD
Favorite cartoon character: Ingen aning här heller...cartoon...det är ju sånt här tecknat som inte är anime så..hmm...
Given anyone a bath: mitt marsvin som jag hade när jag var yngre :P
Smoked: Nepp
Bungee Jumped: Nepp
Gone skinny dipping: vad betyder det?
Eaten a dog: ALDRIG
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Haha många ggr!
Loved someone so much it made you cry: Jag tror det :o Inte en människa då
Broken a bone: Ne men fått spricka
Played truth or dare: Jag vet inte faktiskt
Been in a physical fight: Det tror jag inte, inte någon allvarlig men har ju slagit Anna x antal ggr
Been in a police car: Nepp, men som Anna sa så har jag suttit i en när vi besökte polisen med skolan :P
Been in a hot tub: Japp
Swam in the ocean: Japp
Fallen asleep in school: Det tror jag faktiskt inte
Ran away: Nee...eller vaddå sprungit iväg? Sprungit iväg har jag men om det menar rymt hemifrån så nej
Broken someone’s heart: Nej det tror jag inte
Cried when someone died: Ja
Cried in school: Japp
Fell off your chair: Haha några ggr
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Nej
Saved AIM/MSN conversation: Ja en gång XD
Your good luck charm: har nog ingen
Best song you ever heard: Alltså det är svårt, skiftar ju hela tiden men...hmm...finns ju många bra men kan inte komma på den bästa
What’s your room like: Underbart! Jag <3 style="font-weight: bold;">
Last thing you ate: Entrecôte och klyftpotatis med olivsås
What kind of shampoo do you use: den oranga Herbal essence
Do you believe in karma: Jag vill tro det men jag vet inte, det är inte något som jag brukar tänka på
Chicken pox: ja
Sore Throat: självklart!
Stitches: Nepp
Broken nose: Nepp
Believe in love at first sight: Snarare ett svärmeri än en äkta förälskelse
Like picnics: Jag har inget emot de, men de brukar ofta sluta i något mindre trevligt
Like school: Det gör jag faktiskt, fast det kan vara svårt att gå dit, för att man inte orkar eller har ångest
What schools have you gone to: Grundskola och gymnasium
Would you eat a live hamster for $1,000,000 dollars: ALDRIG
Who was the last person that called you: Sara
What makes you laugh the most: Ett dåligt och långsökt skämt
You yelled at: Någon i familjen antar jag, brukar inte skrika åt folk
Who broke your heart: Vet inte riktigt om någon har gjort det, mer sårat
Who is your loudest friend: Utan tvekan Sara
Do you like filling these out: Trodde faktiskt att de skulle vara lite mer intressanta än vad de visade sig vara
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasögon
Do you like yourself: Ibland, ibland inte
Do you get along with your family: Japp
Obsessive: Inte jätte men det händer
Compulsive: Inte direkt
Anorexic: Nej
What are you listening to right now: Davichi
What did you do yesterday: Var på Mina och Monas utspring och sedan på deras mottagning där jag ofrivilligt träffade på några gamla lärare
Hate someone in your family: Nej
What car do you wish to have: En chrysler 300c, spelar ingen roll vilken modell eller färg
Where do you want to get married: Inget jag tänkt på men det bestäms väl med den jag gifter mig med
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: Prata mer och säga mer vad jag tycker, inte vara så instängd
How many remote controls are in your house: 5 kanske?
Are you double jointed: Eh?
Last time you took a bath: Inte gjort det på flera år, duschar däremot regelbundet 8D
The last movie you saw at the cinemas: Måste nog varit Up in the air tror jag
Do you like scary or happy movies: Båda, men föredrar nog mystiska filmer med en vemodig ton
Black or white: Svart
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Inget av de
Vanilla or chocolate: Definitivt choklad!
Silver or Gold: Båda
Diamond or pearl: Båda här också, är egentligen inte så mycket för ädelstenar och ädelmetaler
Sunset or Sunrise: Båda för de är så olika
Sprite or 7up: Båda, haha vad tråkigt det känns att skriva båda hela tiden XD
Cats or dogs: Katter Coffee or tea: Dricker inget av de men Moccha frapino och saker med kaffe smak är gott så väljer nog kaffe
Phone or in person: In person
Are you the oldest, middle, youngest or only child: haha äldsta 8D
Indoor or outdoor: Båda, som vanligt .__. Alltså det beror ju på humör och väder. Men tycker över lag att det är skönare att vara ute

Minnet som är glömt

Det har hänt ganska mycket här sedan igår! Hela layouten har blivit ändrad, till det bättre såklart och tänkte även ändra lite på designen på inläggen. Så det blir en banner eller inläggsheader eller vad man ska kalla det, som passar in till bakgrunden istället för den vanliga ljusblåa.
Jag känner mig lite patetisk. Mitt minne är verkligen dåligt. Tappade ju bort mina glasögon förra månaden men hittade de när jag städade, eller rättare sagt, höll på att dammsuga upp de när jag dammsög under sängen, förra veckan .__. För en vecka ungefär så tappade jag bort ett busskortsfodral med två remsor och ca 300kr i. Hittade de igår av en slump när jag råkade sparka på en bok och det visade sig att jag använt det som bokmärke! Tur var det att jag hittade den för däri låg mitt leg också :o Dessutom har jag tappat bort senaste One Piece också, som jag inte ens har börjat läsa .__.

torsdag 10 juni 2010

På något sätt hamnade jag på H&Ms hemsida. Började kolla grejer och kände mig lite sommrig, trots det lite trista vädret! Detta är vad jag hittade.
Dessa var lite kul, inte sant? Pris: 299:-
Vill ha en väska faktiskt! Pris: 124,50:-
Haha tyckte den var lite kul 8D Pris: 149:-
Vill ju ha en rutig tröja men jag vet inte riktigt om detta är vad jag söker riktigt... Pris: 249:-
Jag har fastnat på såna här shorts, de är faktiskt fina! Pris: 199:-
Dessa är lite längre...tycker att det är lite bra, täcker lite onödigt 8D Pris: 299:-
Och dessa är lite mörkare, vilket jag gillar, så lutar faktiskt åt dessa! Pris: 249:-
De var lite fina! Pris: 399:-
Som sagt, vill ha en väska :) Pris: 299:-
torsdag 13 maj 2010
Det här med historia uppsatsen går ju inte särskilt snabbt framåt! Har skrivit ungefär en sida nu, det går framåt men lååångsamt. Tack vare mig såklart.
Aja, det är bara att jobba på! Som tur är så har jag ju några dagar extra att jobba på eftersom det är kristihimmelsfärd idag och imorgon är det klämdag 8D I like!
Den senaste tiden har jag känt mig uppslukad av en sak, verkligen en sak only! Självklart pratar jag om den koreanska filmen OldBoy som jag såg för kanske 2 veckor sedan?
Sedan dess har jag gått och tänkt på filmen hela dagarna, lyssnat på musiken i princip hela tiden .__. Anna köpte en canvas tavla på min begäran i tisdags och jag har tom ändrat idén om motivet som från början var tänkt att vara en svartvit bild av Tatsurou till att föreställa Oh Dae-su med en hammare i handen XDHAHA jag får väl se hur länge denna förälskelse håller i sig. Har lagt upp hela triologin på filmlistan också så snart tvingar jag familjen till att se det (Y)
Efter detta är det kanske inte så svårt att gissa vad det är för låt jag lyssnar på just i denna stund...
It's Alive - Yeong-wook Jo

Aja, det är bara att jobba på! Som tur är så har jag ju några dagar extra att jobba på eftersom det är kristihimmelsfärd idag och imorgon är det klämdag 8D I like!
Den senaste tiden har jag känt mig uppslukad av en sak, verkligen en sak only! Självklart pratar jag om den koreanska filmen OldBoy som jag såg för kanske 2 veckor sedan?
Sedan dess har jag gått och tänkt på filmen hela dagarna, lyssnat på musiken i princip hela tiden .__. Anna köpte en canvas tavla på min begäran i tisdags och jag har tom ändrat idén om motivet som från början var tänkt att vara en svartvit bild av Tatsurou till att föreställa Oh Dae-su med en hammare i handen XDHAHA jag får väl se hur länge denna förälskelse håller i sig. Har lagt upp hela triologin på filmlistan också så snart tvingar jag familjen till att se det (Y)
Efter detta är det kanske inte så svårt att gissa vad det är för låt jag lyssnar på just i denna stund...

lördag 8 maj 2010
Detta tog mycket längre tid än jag väntat! Och kan ju direkt säga att det inte blev bättre igår. Var tvungen att adda mössan till outfiten, det skulle inte funka annars XD Tycker det blev så jäkla bra dagen innan och mössan sviker aldrig!
Såhär blev det iaf

HAHAHHA känner mig som värsta stil experten, vad är det man brukar kalla de? Äh minns inte, det är inte det viktiga. Vet egentligen inte vad som är det viktiga XD
Detta får räcka för nu.

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