I am sure Firefox hates me, absolutely sure! I was just about to put my final touch on my first english entry when it decided to not work anymore and closed down. I had written the best welcoming entry ever! I was so pleased with it! But now it is all gone ;_____; so I am feeling a bit depressed about it. I introduced myself and even wrote a list, but as I said, it is all gone now so I do not feel like trying to make a new one in the attempt of coming anywhere near what I had written. Gosh this is so not what I had in mind when I decided to write here in the first place. Anyway, what has happend can not be undone. This blog was in the begining all written in swedish, as my older entrys, but I decided to make an english blog so that I could practice my grammar any vocabulary now that I do not studie anymore.
Another change I made was a new header, which I did not know was possible to do until this evening ^^''
And I know that it is like 1 pixel short but I have given up on that one for the time being. I will try to remember to intriduce myself properly in the near future but I do not feel like it now.
I finished my, forever to be gone, entry with something like "I like taking photos so there are going to be some here. I took these in the evening in our garden" so that is what I will finish this entry with.

Random white flowers
These flowers are in full blossom now, right outside of our living room. The are right between our lawn and the flower bed.

Petaless giant poppies
These have actually already bloomed and their petlas has fallen to the ground. They are giant poppies, bright red. I think that they look pretty good even without their petals. They actually resemble the chocholate flower now.

And this, this is the familys newest member, even though she has lived with us for the past 9 years ^^ Her name is Sassa and she turnes 11 in two weeks, 14th of July. We bought her from a place called Stockholms Katthem ( Stockholms home of cats haha weird translation) where they take care of straycats and make them available for adoption.

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